

The client, aimed to establish an online marketplace for groceries, fruits, and vegetables for local vendors. They wanted to create a multi-vendor e-commerce platform that would allow local sellers to showcase and sell their products online. The client approached Quantzi Infotech Pvt Ltd to design and develop a comprehensive solution using a microservice architecture with the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack.
The challenge of project
The client faced several challenges in developing the multi-vendor e-commerce platform:
Multi-Vendor Support:
The platform needed to accommodate multiple sellers with their unique inventories, pricing, and order management systems while providing a seamless shopping experience for customers.

User-Friendly Interfaces:
The web and mobile apps for both users and sellers needed to have intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for easy navigation, product search, ordering, and payment.
The result of project
The developed multi-vendor e-commerce platform successfully addressed the client's requirements. The seller apps facilitated seamless communication between sellers and customers. Sellers could respond to customer inquiries, manage customer reviews, and provide personalized customer support, fostering better customer relationships. The multi-vendor e-commerce platform empowered the client to establish a robust online presence, attract new customers, and drive business growth. The platform became a preferred destination for customers seeking a wide range of groceries, fruits, and vegetables from local sellers, while enabling sellers to expand their market reach and improve operational efficiency.
Express.js, React.js/Node.js
8 Months
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Services Provided
UI/UX Design Web Development